Kripke : What a piece of shit !


Supernatural Press Room - by Clarissa

I listened to our readers and told Kripke that a lot of people felt that Dean's importance in the apocalypse had been played up in seasons 4 and 5 and then his importance was down-played in the end.  He, however, has a completely different interpretation of it.  He said that the show has always been family – not about one brother over the other, but about both of them.  Salvation of the planet depended on both of them acting equally.  Dean's decision to sacrifice himself and go to Sam in the end (the love and forgiveness he had built for Sam over years) WAS the fulfillment of his role in the apocalypse.  And that those actions were as important as anything else Dean could have done as Michael's vessel or any other role.

這個劇情走向本身沒有問題,甚至堪稱圓滿;family business不會突然變成solo career,雙主角也應該要戲份相等。問題是,劇本根本不是這麼寫的啊,整個第五季我只看到Dean Dean Dean,Dean面對了什麼挑戰,Dean崩潰,Dean妥協,一切的一切都繞著Dean的心理活動發展,你要觀眾怎麼想?況且有此想法的觀眾還不在少數,連媒體都提出質疑(之前還在某媒體票選活動中看到其中一個選項是:最匪夷所思的結局--Dean Winchester不但意外的在拯救世界的任務中毫無貢獻,還輸給了一輛老爺車),這麼多人得到錯誤的引導(暫時假設Kripke的說法是原本的構想),劇本是不是出了很大的問題?

再來看所謂的愛與寬恕,老實說,前四季裡的表現還比較明顯,第五季就稍嫌牽強。按照季初的發展,Dean從一開始失去對Sam的信任,到最終重新拾回信心,確信弟弟有能力管理他的憤怒,修正他的自己為是,並放手讓他 say Yes,這應該是第五季最重要的主線任務,好好處理的話,這一季的愛與寬恕會十分動人,接下來的結局也會相對的合理。

但是!劇本寫偏了!或是無法涵蓋這麼多元素,整個發展感覺非常突兀,讓人懷疑溫家兄弟是不是還有其它重要談話或後續發展遺落在鏡頭之外 (啊不要想歪了,我指的真的是愛與寬恕)。


劈了一隻Paris Hilton兩兄弟就突然平等相待了 -- 當然,劇情沒有這麼淺薄,但就憑Sam的一篇亂七八糟:當初我跟Ruby跑了,就是為了要遠離你,因為那讓我感覺強大,我不想再當你的小弟弟。這種說法能說服Dean才有鬼,被嚇著了倒是有可能 -- Sam你這意思是又想離家出走了嗎?

然後呢?然後就沒了,直到516 Dark Side of The Moon,Dean不但對Sam失去信任,也失去了對整個世界的信任,先前的努力一切歸零。

518 The Point of No Return是我覺得處理得不錯的一集,Sam給予Dean的信任夠強大,讓Dean有勇氣回報相等的信任;愛與寬恕,我看到了。

到了520 The Devil You Know,這條支線重新浮上檯面,講的是Sam的成長,至於愛與寬恕,呃,對不起沒看到。

接下來支線突然又回到主線的位置上,愛與寬恕一卡車一卡車猛倒 -- 大家都很清楚後來兩集發生了什麼事,我就不廢話了。

整個事件 (是的,對我來說是個事件) 給我的感覺是,啊來不及來不及、演不完演不完了,乾脆一次倒光光好了!寫壞了拍爛了不要緊,反正我們有很多機會自圓其說.

Most Ludicrous Plotline

Supernatural - Sam comes up with a plan to trap Lucifer that involves him doing everything that his bro spent the last two seasons trying to get him to stop doing, and everyone around him is suddenly okay with this plan, which works only because a flash of light reflecting off a car momentarily distracts Lucifer

    創作者 米兔 的頭像


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