
10 Signs You are a Dean Girl by Chloe Winchester



1. Quarters turn you on (台灣有magic finger嗎?? )


2. You always get the extra cookie


3. Gym shorts make you smile funny


4. You call anyone you know named Sam Sammy


5. You laugh when a Sammy Girl gawks at the screen during 'Heart' (這個太絕了~ )


6. You get very offended when someone tells you to go to Hell


7. You know more about '80s hairbands now than you did in 2005


8. When you see a Prius, you try not to cry(笑噴~ )


9. Any reference to cassette tapes, Doublemint Twins, cats in lockers, the fabric softener teddy bear, purple nurples, busty asian beauties, Matlock, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, Oktoberfest, Angel Food cake, flashlight manning, being so awesome, Cialis, sorority girls, pig in a poke, strip-o-gram, necrophelia, Batman, Gumby and/or Pokey, Ken Doll, Blue Steel, Silent Night, Teddy Bears, Mr. Rogers, the Cheif, handsome devils, REO Speedwagon, Eye of the Tiger, Bon Jovi, Die Hard, Do overs, scissors, Yorkies, Asia ("Heat of the Moment"), Chuckles, the full cowgirl, Fudge, slow dancing aliens, Manburger Helper, dog for dinner, minature philly cheese steak sandwhiches, PAs, being adorable, Demi Moore, Swayze'd, Obi Wan Kanobi, frisky women, clowns and/or midgets, Astronauts, howler monkeys, airplanes, Smith and Wesson, right?!, asshats, Paris Hilton, womens underwear, virgins, brothels, creaky old guys, Dr. Sexy, sitcoms, Japaneses Game shows, CSI, bigger mouths, Knight Rider, boredom, hot nurses, ham or cowboy boots make you laugh and no one else around you knows why.


10. Whenever you see a semi you flinch (都快忘了那輛貨卡了,阿門~)



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