Alpha Male Madness 2011:
And the Winner Is...Jensen Ackles!
恭喜Jensen蟬聯第二屆Alpha Male Madness 錦標賽冠軍,完全的實至名歸!
Congratulations to Jensen Ackles! The star of the CW's Supernatural—playing beleaguered but oh-so-pretty hunter Dean Winchester—is this year's champion. The actor retains his 2009 title, from the first year we did this tournament.
Alpha Male Madness 2011: Final Round
Alpha Male Madness 2011: Round Five, Four Guys
Alpha Male Madness 2011: Round Four, Eight Guys
Alpha Male Madness 2011: Round Three, 16 Guys
Alpha Male Madness 2011: Round Two, 32 Guys
Alpha Male Madness 2011: Round One, 64 Guys
Alpha Male Madness 2011 Ranking Round
Alpha Male,hmm....這該怎麼翻譯?頂尖的男人?男人中的男人?無論如何,Jensen的魅力絕對是Alpha等級的,這點無庸置疑!
另一場比較沒有代表性的票選:Zachary Levi vs. Jensen Ackles,這是今年的第四回合。