Bela: You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex.
Dean: Don't objectify me.
Red Sky At Morning
He's one of those actors where you can throw anything at him from an acting challenge point of view.( 沒錯,什麼情緒他都能詮譯得很好.)
He is also one of the rare examples of being a Western Bishonen (西部美少年?! ).
He also has possibly the most batshit crazy fanbase of all time. (不是偶!)
the rumors of his inability to read (because he's pretty, you see, he can't have a brain) ,可憐,太美麗也是一種錯誤?
he is considered to be the friendliest face on the set. He is often noted for taking the entire cast of Supernatural, even the extras, for drinks at the end of a shoot. Bang up guy. (這個我第一次聽到)
挺中肯的報導,Western Bishonen,真是個好詞,哈哈哈~~~.