
SpoilerTV 票選結果

第一名:Best Returning Show of 2010:Supernatural 23.5% (3,168 votes)

第一名:Best Lead Actor in a Drama:Jensen Ackles 19.38% (2,603 votes)

第三名:Favourite Guest Star:Misha Collins 8.87% (482 votes)

Best Episode全軍覆沒QQ,五集中票數最高的是Swan Song 4.53% (199 votes) - 故事我可以接受,但劇本太狗血,就算它不是季終結局,我還是不會投給這一集。


E!online:2010最佳影集 (第四回合)


I don't understand why people choose beauty over acting ability.

Well I voted Jensen because Dean is my favorite character and Jensen's acting is probably why I like the character so much, he has great comic timing, he's good in dramatic scenes despite at times having to overcome really bad dialogue. As a straight male I can definitely say I didn't vote based on looks so I don't know what category you want to put me in.

before i write anything i have to say that i am devoted Jared fan. But Peter(第二段作者) thank you  for defending Jensen, he is simply a genius, he deserves to win, and i love him to death. Yeah he is pretty as hell, but Ana(第一段作者) you should really watch him work, before you say anything!

Supernatural has been my favorite, can't miss show for 6 years now and Jensen has made Dean Winchester one of the most layered, well developed characters on television.



Just wanted to point out that not enjoying season 6 doesn't automatically mean stop watching! I've been watching Supernatural since 2006 and used to loved it (would say I was obsessed with it). I'm still watching because I am hoping for it to improve but I'm just not enjoying it any more. I will be picking Fringe over Supernatural next year as in my opinion it's having a better season, however if I have nothing to do I may watch the repeats on Wednesday. I may be in the small minority as you say but I don't like giving up on a show I've spent years watching, I try to stay till the end, once I've invested more than a couple of years I want to stay and see what happens however bad it gets.



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